An artist and printmaker by trade, Karen Revis' designs are an exploration in color, texture, and abstraction. The wall mural collection utilizes various fine art techniques that will bring both vibrancy and sophistication to your home.
Delight in the textural abstraction of this stunning blue mural by artist Karen Revis. Free-form blue lines cut through the mottled white and blue backdrop to create erratic rectangles. Panes Blue Wall Mural comes on 5 panels.
Revel in the rich color and textural details of this stunning abstract mural by artist Karen Revis. The forest green is dappled in white of varying density, which is then wiped clean by wavering, freeform lines that segment the mural into smaller sections. Panes Forest Wall Mural comes on 5 panels.
This modern mural design delights in monochromatic textures. The dappled grey backdrop is detailed with freeform dark grey lines that break the design into irregular panes. Artwork created by Karen Revis. Panes Grey Wall Mural comes on 5 panels.
Bring drama and earthen elegance to your walls with this bold floral mural from artist Karen Revis. The hand-carved rose linocuts are stamped in black ink against crisp white. Roses Black Wall Mural comes on 5 panels.
Bring earthen serenity to your walls with this stunning floral mural from arist Karen Revis. The hand-carved roses are stamped in soft grey ink against crisp white. Roses Grey Wall Mural comes on 5 panels.
Big, bold and beautiful blue roses adds earthy sophistication to your home. Each rose is hand-carved and stamped in deep blue ink against a crisp white backdrop. Artwork created by Karen Revis. Roses Indigo Wall Mural comes on 5 panels.
Add a bold splash of earthen elegance to your walls with this stunning floral mural from the artist Karen Revis. Each hand-carved rose linocut is stamped in rich ochre yellow against crisp white. Roses Ochre Wall Mural comes on 5 panels.
Explore the play of light and shadow in this coiling abstract mural by artist Karen Revis. The singular grey brushstroke continuously meanders and doubles back on itself, creating rich layers of increasing darkness. Waves Grey Wall Mural comes on 5 panels.
Enjoy the rich push and pull of color, shape and dimension in this abstract mural by arist Karen Revis. The singular teal brushstroke continuously overlaps itself to create layers of depth and intensifying color against matte white. Waves Seaglass Wall Mural comes on 5 panels.